I absolutely loved my time spent with the Porter family! Richard, Jennifer and their two children are currently living in Bermuda, so when their entire family came to visit this summer it only made sense to schedule an extended family session! I met up with the Porters at the beautiful Tuckers Point Golf Club, where […]
The Motherhood Collective, including both maternity and newborn portrait sessions, is not only a favourite of my clients this year, but also mine! I love pairing the portraits side by side. What a beautiful legacy of motherhood! The Motherhood Collective is a great fit for the expecting mother looking for an exquisite portrait experience, and […]
You’ll have to forgive me for posting Mondays’ post on Tuesday!! Monday was an absolute whirlwind! This family session was really one for the books! After having to re-schedule a few times, we kept the date and time with fingers crossed that it wouldn’t rain! And although a few grey clouds started to roll in, […]